Some grammar:
Infinitive form is -ca (-ppa for a word ending in a, i, o, or u, -pa for a word ending
in e)
For example: Kom=eat Komma=to eat, Sase=sigh Sasepa=to sigh
The direct article is -cal (-l for a word ending in a vowel). If the next word starts
with L, the direct article is -alle (-lle for words ending in a, i, o, or u, -le for words ending in e )
For example: Logo=site Logol=the site Logolle Lannu=the language site
Yes/ no is before the rest,
For example: 'na ma dessor' means 'I don't want'.
To make an adverb, add -mente.
For example: Siol=single, sole Siolmente=singly, only
-d is past tense (ced for words that end in a consonant), and -r is future (cer
for words that end in a consonant)
For example: Krie=create Kried=created Krier=will create
The equivelent of -or or -er (as in builder, constructor) is -cor (-r if the
word ends in a vowel). There are many exceptions.
Sur before a verb makes it passive.
For Example: Quornamment=update Sur Quornamment=updated Sur Quornammenter=will be updated